Our vision is campus-wide
academic community built on
deep 1-to-1 conversations

Walking academia
Indulge in scholarly conversations instead of navigating networking
Walk alongside as you talk for deep thinking and refuge from academic pressures
Share you research and gain tacit knowledge about academic practices
Academic communities are built on relations, not affiliation




Community of practice led by the researchers for the researchers promotes a sense of belonging
Learning about each others journeys helps to reduce feelings of isolation and enhances overall sense of wellbeing
Learning to navigate the unspoken landscape of research culture helps to avoid common pitfalls
Engaging with people within and across disciplines creates spaces for serendipity in learning and novel ideations
Book a talk
Talk research and beyond
Meet at a designated spot on campus
Go for a walk, have a coffee together ...
Share your availability
We streamline agendaless meetings for naturally flowing deep academic conversations
Mariia Tishenina PhD student, project leader
Trial is the best way to really feel the difference that our app can make!
Share with us some information so that we could better cater for the needs of your community
Privacy Policy
Would you like to try?
Which community do you represent?
Mariia Tishenina PhD student, project leader
Trial is the best way to really feel the difference that our app can make!
How many people will use the app?
Mariia Tishenina PhD student, project leader
It does not matter how big of a community you aim to build. Sky is the limit!
Provide your contact details
Mariia Tishenina PhD student, project leader
Share with us your contact details and we will get back to you shortly!
I agree to provide my contact details for the trial
We need your name, university and email to contact you with regards to the trial only. Your data will be stored securely, never shared without your consent, and only kept as long as necessary. Withdraw consent anytime by contacting us at info@campustalk.app